A Little About Me

Hey! I’m Catherine Leleux – pronounced luh-LUH – yes, the less you try pronounce the more right you are. I am a daughter, sister, wife, friend, Catholic creative, florist, lover of dark chocolate and all things autumn. My wonderful introvert, Cajun husband, Chad, and I are tucked into the suburbs of Dallas, TX.

Why am I doing my “lousy best” you ask? Well, on this journey of life I realize that I am a *perfectionist.* Truth be told, I think we all have a little bit of that inside of us whether we dare to let it be realized. Learn more about why I call it our ‘lousy best’ here.

That we desire perfection is not a news flash, so I think we can all take a deep breath, *inhale-exhale,* have a snack, and realize that life is so much bigger than our perfectionism.

Although perfectionism may feel like its the goal, I must propose a better way. This blog is a place for folks who are ready to be real with themselves and seek a life of freedom through Truth, Beauty and Goodness – three pillars of a free life.

This leaning in to truth, beauty, and goodness may look different for you than it does for me, so no need to take my words as gospel. But, the fact that you’re still reading this gives me the impression that you are also fed up living within the confines of needing the perfect insert-your-topic-here to be ‘okay’ or feel loved.

Above all, if there’s hope and healing for my life, I think there stands a chance for you, too. Enjoy the journey of doing your lousy best!

Transcendental Life

Living in Truth

Grounding ourselves in the reality of who we are and what is true brings stability, and these posts aim to do just that.

Basking in Beauty

An invitation to beauty is so much more than what is on the surface – lets explore the aspects of beauty!

Delighting in Goodness

Here we will dive into the incredible happenings that bring hope, because they’re just so wholesome.